Download free summer pockets review
Download free summer pockets review

download free summer pockets review

A second severe and important disappointment that makes Musescore to serious extent useless for me. Meanwhile I cannot get free access anymore on my Android smartphone to my very own scores due to somewhat thoughtless decisions by Musescore and that, dear friends, simply is rather disgusting. As workaround I don't want to start some kind of private group in Musescore either to view my own scores on my smartphone, for I don't want them to be uploaded in any system that is not entirely controllable by myself - speaking of risky copyright! I am not a member of ASCAP nor any other copyright agency for that matter. Quite irrational, no? I never uploaded my own scores to Musescore, especially to avoid any copyright issues that could emerge. However I cannot infringe any legitimate copyright claims from nobody in the entire universe, except my very own. (Not the previous Songbook-app for which I paid(!), because Musescore decided unilaterally not to support that very much appreciated app anymore, about a year ago, which still feels to me like breach of contract.) When I want to open my very own scores on my Android smartphone since October 5th 2019, a hideous pop-up tells me that I MUST unlock Pro by free trial for one stupid week, after which it will cost a fortune (to get access to my own scores, that is).

download free summer pockets review

I made in Musescore on desktop my very own scores and downloaded them on my Android smartphone in the "collection" of the Musescore-app, which is called Songbook, so I carried them always with me. Copyright issues is pure bullshit, nothing else.

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